2 March 2022

Benedictine communities in Ukraine

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Dear Friends,

I wholeheartedly thank you for your support, both for our brothers and sisters in L’viv and Zhytomyr, as well as for the entire Ukrainian nation.

Thank you for your prayers, words of solidarity and financial support.

I am constantly in touch with the brothers and sisters. Both in L’viv and Zhytomyr many people come asking for help. We help on an ongoing basis. Everyone in both communities feels good and does not lose heart. In both communities, brothers and sisters extended the time of prayer.

We also allocated some of the collected funds to help in the dimension of the L’viv Archdiocese, we also want to support the Kiev-Zhytomyr diocese.

We are all touched by what is happening in Ukraine, but also by the great openness, kindness, help and commitment of many people from Poland and other parts of the world.

Our gratitude is great!

Let us continue in prayer.

I was looking for help from the Lord, and He heard me and freed me from all fear (PS 34: 5)

Maksymilian Nawara OSB

If you want to support:

Opactwo Benedyktynów

Mickiewicza 6

64-010 Lubiń

Bank account number: 54 1600 1462 1842 0189 1000 0003

For Bank transfer from abroad

IBAN: PL54 1600 1462 1842 0189 1000 0003


Title: Lviv Foundation - support for living and accepting refugees


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